Saturday, February 19, 2011

Webcam & Processing

Updated, 22nd of February 2011
OpenCV seems to be the perfect tool to do the image processing calculation. A practical example.
Hey Shahab,
You should look at the flob library for blob detection. Its listed on the libraries page on Its pretty simple to use. Also for better object detection, you might have more luck with openFrameworks, which is c++ based and has a better library for OpenCV.
For my project, I used the flob library and using the OSC protocol (oscp5 library for processing) I sent the data from the webcam to the sound generation program.
Using the OSC protocol you could also use something call openTSPS, by Rockwell Labs, which would be much more easier and exact since its also based on openFrameworks. So sense people with openTSPS and send the data via OSC to your program that controls the micro-controller.
Hope it helps.
On Feb 16, 2011, at 3:20 PM, Shahab F. M. wrote:
I was wondering if u can give me some tips/tutorial links about webcam & processing. I am working on Walloid as my master thesis.
Sent from my HTC

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